If you’re a South-Essex business owner looking for a regular source of new customer referrals, it’s high time you attended a Business BASE meeting. Our fun and dynamic group takes a structured approach to networking but we’re refreshingly different to others you may have attended. That’s because we’re independent from any franchise and our operations are conducted ‘by the members for the members’.

As well as referring high-quality business opportunities, we aim to provide a knowledge base where members can share ideas and experiences that will help increase efficiency and support growth – and it’s working. Established in 2018, we’re already well on the way to our first £1 million of generated turnover. Your first two meetings are free, so why get in touch today and join us at The Rayleigh Club for our next Thursday morning meeting.


Our members are local business owners who have established their reputations in a variety of sectors. Some of the challenges we face are the same, whilst others vary according to the services we provide. Our business growth plans are all unique, which is why we invest time in 121 sessions outside of our main meetings to develop strategic working partners.

By meeting and socialising regularly with fellow members, we gain a clearer understanding of their ideal customer profile, their specialities, and the opportunities they are looking for that will help them grow.

Business BASE meets fortnightly at The Rayleigh Club.
Our “exclusivity rule” means we only accept one member per business category. To find out whether your seat is free, please contact our Leadership Team today.
Business BASE meets fortnightly. After 15 months on Zoom, we’re delighted to confirm that these meetings will be face to face once more from 22nd July 2021.
Our “exclusivity rule” means we only accept one member per business category. To find out whether your seat is free, please contact our Leadership Team today.


You can follow Business BASE on Instagram and Facebook, to stay up-to-date with latest news and events. We’re a social bunch and we’d love to catch up online or maybe in person at our next social gathering.

Thank you for welcoming me into your Business BASE sessions. You have a fantastic set-up that breeds success and you have a good laugh whilst you’re at it, which I love!

William Cooper

Founder, Logical Eco